Recap 2022

"From Hades I have returned"

Handel in Modern Literature

Die Göttinger Sternwarte war Arbeitsstätte von Carl Friedrich Gauß, berühmter Mathematiker, Physiker und Astronom. Das Bild zeigt die Sternwarte nach der Renovierung. © Archiv der Int. Haendel-Festspiele Goettingen
10:00 am | May 21st, 2022
Historische Sternwarte

In the first half of the 20th century, the massive upheavals in society, economy, technology, as well as in art and culture led not only to a change in human self-reflection, but also to a re-evaluation of the past. This also affected the literary perception of composers and their works. In this respect, Handel is no exception. As early as 1891, George Bernard Shaw called for “a meticulously rehearsed performance of the Messiah, with a choir of only twenty skilled artists”. In the symposium, the experts invited to participate will focus on the changing image of Handel as it was re-formed, for example, by biographies of novels and music reviews. Last but not least, Stefan Zweig’s “Decisive Moments” continue to influence our image of the Master as an inspired yet also “composing-crazed” individual.

The Symposium is held in German. · Admission free


10.00 Uhr · 10 am
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Sandberger,

Handel in English Heaven:
Händel als Maßstab der Musik bei George Bernard Shaw

10.15 Uhr · 10.15 am
Dr. Esma Cerkovnik, Zürich

„Händel hören“ − „Händel sehen“:
Romain Rollands Bild eines „génie homérique“

11.00 Uhr · 11.00 am
Prof. Dr. Joachim Kremer, Stuttgart

„Makrokosmos“ und „Masse“:
Georg Friedrich Händel in der Sicht Egon Friedells

12.15 Uhr · 12.15 pm
Prof. Dr. Michael Meyer, Trossingen

Zwischen Ohnmacht und Gnade:
Georg Friedrich Händel in Stefan Zweigs Sternstunde aus dem Jahr 1936

13.00 Uhr · 1 pm
Prof. Dr. Arturo Larcati, Salzburg
(via Zoom)

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