Recap 2024

Ecumenical Festive Service

11:00 am | May 20th, 2024
St. Johannis-Kirche

”And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance.” Ecumenism refers to the whole inhabited world and its dialogue. Pentecost is a kaleidoscope: the Christian festival of diversity and of being quite literally inspirited by it. Much like this year’s Handel Festival.

At the end of which the Council of Christian Churches (ACK) in Göttingen invites you to a service at St. Johannis Church. The ACK likes to see its work as a pilgrimage: different people from different places with different paces and a common goal. The Göttingen International Handel Festival will also be bidding farewell to its very own pilgrims this year.

Dr. Sabine Joy Ihben-Bahl Sermon

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