Recap 2024

Fireworks and Water

Handel by children for children

10:00 am | May 17th, 2024 | ~ 60 min
Ballhaus „Zum fidelen Anreischken“ Duderstadt

Water Music for the thrill, Fireworks Music for the premiere. In a large-scale project, the Handel Festivals in Göttingen and Halle have joined forces and prepared a concert program for children together. The Friedemann Bach Primary School in Halle (Saale), the Janusz Korczak Primary School in Duderstadt and the Multigenerational Orchestra Duderstadt will perform music by George Frideric Handel together and with the audience. The audience, both young and old, is and will be invited to join in during the concert. And to discover how much “playing music” actually has to do with playing. Not only in Göttingen, but also in the region. “Handel Goes Regional”: on this day, to Duderstadt.

School Performance

Admission free.

Registration required to:

Freie Grundschule Friedemann Bach Halle (Saale)

Janusz Korczak Grundschule Duderstadt

Gitarrenensemble der Kreismusikschule Göttingen

Kammerensemble Familie Hirzberger/Lina Hillebrandt

MehrGenerationenOrchester Duderstadt

Sabine Gottschalk & Hagen Jahn Conception and Direction

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