Recap 2024

Children's Day

10:00 am | May 18th, 2024
Junges Theater Göttingen

In 2024, we’ll finally find out who can actually sing. Can kids sing? Sure they can! Teenagers? Of course! Can meerkats, bushpigs, and maybe even crocodiles sing? It’s at least possible. The question wasn’t whether they could sing well. Children’s book illustrator Julia Ginsbach (“Tafiti: Krokodil-Alarm am Wasserloch” – Crocodile Alarm at the Waterhole) can provide answers. Can saws sing? Absolutely not! But “musical pirate” Alexander Scherf thinks they can, and to prove it, he brings along a singing saw instead of a scary sword.

The German newspaper FAZ was thrilled by the “unconscious poetry of dancing children” at last year’s Children’s Day at the Festival. This year we are looking forward to “musical pirates” and musical readings, baby concerts, a multigenerational orchestra and the students of the Theodor-Heuss-Gymnasium playing and dancing Handel. In the KAZ studio, we will also be making buttons with our faces on them – and magical kaleidoscopes in keeping with the Festival’s theme.

10.00 am Begrüßung

10.30 am MehrGenerationenOrchester Duderstadt und Grundschulen aus Halle (Saale) und Duderstadt (für die ganze Familie)

12.30 pm Kinderbuchlesung (ca. 5–10 Jahre)

14.00 pm Babykonzert (0–2 Jahre)
Anmeldung notwendig unter

15.15 pm Kinderbuchlesung (ca. 5–10 Jahre)

Eintritt frei

Sonja Catalano Mezzosopran, Konzept
Aurelia Lampasiak Violine
Sophia Grest Violoncello

Schülerinnen des Theodor-Heuß-Gymnasiums
Maja Hilke Leitung
Christian Neofotistos Leitung

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