Recap 2024

Readings, Wine & Music

Franziska Fleischanderl © Alejandro Gómez
6:00 pm | May 13th, 2024 | ~ 2 h
Bremers Weinkellerei am Wall

If you use your imagination, you may be able to recognize some musical elements in a vineyard: posts as bar lines, wirework as staff lines, grapes as baroque tone clusters. And our Festival readings cater to all of this: wine, music and the imagination. Thanks in part to the instrument used: the salterio, an Italian box zither, which in the Baroque period was said to have the power to magically touch and bond hearts.

The locations are also fitting: the Moller bookshop with its long and rich tradition and the Bremer family, wine merchants for almost two hundred and fifty years, host the two evenings every year on the occasion of the Handel Festival – evenings that promise strolls through musical vineyards, evenings that intertwine Handel with readings and music with wine.

Works from the Mediterranean region for solo salterio

Franziska Fleischanderl Salterio

Moritz Schulze Lesung

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